Travel Planning

Step by Step Guide to Travel Planning

Are you thinking about planning a trip and not sure where to start?
Whether you are planning to travel locally or overseas, for a weekend or a year, these tips will help you understand where to start. I will help you get as organised as you need to be. Some travellers like to be free of itineraries and dates and just see where the road takes them…I am not one of those people. I pretty much plan everything before we leave. The plans don’t always come together but I am usually organised enough that I can get us back on some sort of track before too long.

Where to?

Choosing the destination is the fun part. Do you have a bucket list that needs ticking off? Or do you just have a week that you want to spend at the beach or in the bush? As Covid restrictions start to ease around the world, the options for travel are growing. Soon overseas travel will be back on the cards, and while it may not be the same for a while, there are options in 2022 that look very appealing.

Budget plays a big part in the decision on where to travel and sometimes what you would like to do does not align with your bank balance. Remember that travel is an investment. It is an investment in yourself and your life experiences. So if you really want to go somewhere try to make it happen. Save your money, stay in hostels and research budget options. And if your dreams are just too big consider a cheaper option. If you want to travel to Europe but cannot afford it, is there another destination that you have not considered that may be a close second?

Are you going to stay in one place and relax? Or are you are considering doing some travel to different destinations? A road trip or even a European adventure mat be on the cards? An itinerary can help you get a better understanding of what you can see in your travel timeframe. Nothing worse than running out of time and missing the places you really wanted to see.

Important departure requirements.

Make a list of what you need to do before you leave. If you are travelling locally, this list could just be the essentials of what to pack. If you are travelling internationally this list will include the likes of insurance, visas, covid certificates, passports, travel adaptors etc. Internationally, the expectation of covid testing varies between countries. So ensure you research and keep checking all the government websites to check when to get tested. This information is changing almost daily so stay on top of the expectations. As you research your destination and accommodation, make note of what is supplied and what you need to pack. Do you need towels or are they provided? What about BBQs in caravan parks? Or a camp kitchen? The more you know the better prepared you can be.

Is there anything at home you need to organise before you leave? Pets that need looking after? Do you need a house sitter? Who is taking care of your mail and paying any bills etc? If you are going away for a week there is less to organise compared to a 2-month adventure.

How are you getting there?

For some destinations, it is obvious how you are getting there, but for others, it can be a big decision. An example is a trip interstate, do you want to drive and enjoy many towns along the way or are you going to fly and stay only in one place. There are advantages of having your own car with you over a hire car. The time frame can play a big part in this decision – sometimes you just do not have time to drive. If you are heading to Tasmania are you flying or taking your car on the boat? Internationally once you get to a destination are you going to use public transport to get around or are you hiring a car or even an RV. There are pros and cons for all options so it is best to research before you decide.

Where are you staying?

Where you stay tends to depend on the experience you are after and your budget. If you are heading to Bali an all-inclusive resort might be just what you need. If you are travelling on a budget you might only have the option of a shared room in a hostel. When the whole family is travelling an Airbnb might provide the best solution so you can have more facilities at your fingertips. Where you decide to stay can really make or break your holiday so think carefully about your options.

What are you eating?

Food can eat away a huge part of your budget if you do not give it some thought before you leave. If you are staying in a hotel with no cooking facilities then eating out might be your only option. There is a big difference between eating out in Melbourne vs eating out in Thailand. Street food is cheap, delicious and part of the experience. In Melbourne, there is really no street food and restaurants are costly. Your food budget needs careful consideration. It may be more cost-effective to stay in an apartment with cooking facilities so you can make your own meals. This may cost more for your accommodation but in comparison to your food budget, it is worth splurging on.

What and how to pack?

It is so easy to overpack. What if you forget something? Or if you need an outfit for going out and you didn’t pack one? What if you need your black heels for a night out? I have definitely had these conversations before heading away. I have packed suitcases so full of clothes that I struggled to lift them, coming home with clothes and shoes I never wore once. I have also under packed when I only had carry on luggage – I was in the same clothes in all my photos – disappointing. So try to pack strategically. Think carefully about what outfits you will get the most out of. Balance comfort and style. I remember one trip I went on when my eldest was only 2. I wanted to pack for comfort given I was running after a 2-year-old. Looking back at all the photos I looked a little bit like a slob. So lesson learnt there – now I pack nice stretchy black pull-on pants that are comfy but look stylish and match all my different tops.

If you are travelling in your own car or even have a caravan, then packing is a little easier. You do have the luxury of throwing a few extra items in just in case. But if you are travelling overseas you have to be able to carry everything you pack. The type of luggage you have also needs to be considered when travelling overseas. If you are walking a lot then a backpack might be a better option. Packing lightly in this instance is super important as you literally have everything on your back. A wheely suitcase is a good option also if you are driving, catching public transport and generally not carrying your luggage a lot. Remember to get a decent suitcase – nothing worse than a wobbly wheel when you have to walk a few kilometres.

A final word….

Travel is an investment in life. The experiences you gain stay with you forever. So even if you have little money try to prioritise travel and see the world. Start with camping in your local area and as you save money you will eventually get the opportunity to see countries you never dreamed of. Travel is addictive – once you start you may never stop.

What trips do you have planned for 2022? I hope Covid does not ruin any more travel plans as we have a couple of overseas trips in the pipework. Looking forward to an amazing 2022.